Singapore Airlines A350 Arrival Day


Singapore Airlines | Christchurch International Airport


| Draping | Ceiling Decorations | Bar/Foodstations | Staging | Audiovisual | Furniture | Props |

About this project

We kicked into 2019 with an exciting celebration event. Singapore Airlines launched the arrival of their Airbus A350 inaugural flight from Christchurch to Singapore. Airside at Christchurch Airport, guests were greeted down a blue carpet and welcomed through a large archway. Yellow and blue lanterns hung above as guests walked through to the gate. VIP’s were offered canapé nibbles and could gather around bar leaners, also coloured in Singapore Airlines blue and yellow

Speeches were held on stage with the cake cutting and all-important ribbon-cutting celebrations. Black draping with gold metallic fabric drops were the backdrops for the stage, photo area, and tea and sweets stanchion. Our hand-crafted cart was branded and decorated with branded cupcakes for passengers to enjoy. The good news for South islanders, they are now able to experience Singapore Airlines Premium Economy seats all year-round.

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